Monday, January 9, 2012

Is Your Class Up to the Challenge?

George has been standing proudly on his pedestal, tri-cornered hat in hand, for a very long time. Over the years he's seen it all on the Campus Green–frisbee games, classes under the trees and, oh yes, even the midnight scenes on May Day! While George still feels "all right," just like the rest of us, he has watched those memories begin to fade over the years.

To help remind him of the good old days, George is rallying you and your reunion class to post photos of your college years to the Alumni Facebook Page! George is challenging the following eight classes–2007, 2002, 1997, 1992, 1982, 1977, 1972 and 1967–to see which class can post the most photos of their time at WC.

Get set to dust off the old scanner or search through your data files; post your photos to the Alumni Facebook Page through February 29. (Please keep the photos PG-rated and make certain to add your class year to the photo description in order for it to count.) Fear not! Photos that have already been sent in through your reunion committee will count towards your total.

What's in it for you? The class with the most photos posted to the page by midnight on February 29, 2012, will win a free round of drinks at their Friday night reunion class party on Alumni Weekend! That's right. Free drinks on George! Huzzah to that!

Should you have any problems uploading photos or have questions, just email us. You may also e-mail photos to Alumni Relations at

Ready, set, SCAN!!!